
A Human Anatomy
Features include:
- Hypermedia format facilitates ease of learning by making
exploration intuitive and direct.
- Simultaneous identification of anatomical terms using text,
graphics, and human speech
- Rotations, sections, and magnified views that provide the
best view to detailed anatomy.
- Descriptive text is always available to describe and
elaborate the illustrations.
- Ability to incorporate lecture notes or course syllabi
throughout the program that students and instructors can
augment with their own notes.
- Multiple sets of notes can be used and printed.
- Ability to study material at a system level, moving between
various body regions; or by body region, moving between systems
with in that region.
- More than 500 illustrations and more than 2500 terms
identified by text, speech and illustration.
- Navigation by icon, palette, menu and full text search.
- By pointing and clicking on icons non-readers can use
- An audio quiz on current vocabulary is always available.
- Anatomical terms can be identified using Apple's
speech recognition system which is available.