Community Broadband: Conferences
Wired Communities: Putting the e in Public Health
Jan 31, 2003, Handouts and Resources
Information and communications technology have become the cornerstones of public health practice in the 21st century. At a time when communities are preparing to respond to any public health crisis in a matter of hours and even minutes, the speed with which we communicate and access information becomes crucial. Online resources, innovative software, and sophisticated equipment provide the necessary tools, but it is the exchange of information that makes a difference in a wired community.
APPA Community Broadband Conference
Workshop Presentations from October, 2002
American Public Power Association (APPA)
Community Broaband Conference
for E-Business
October 17, 2002 at the Eaton Centre Marriott in Toronto.
Electronic business promises to be a major generator of jobs and
growth within this century through improvements in the
productivity of business, growth in consumer transactions, and
development of the supporting information technology
infrastructure. Experience has shown that early leaders quickly
establish market dominance. Those who enter first are able to help
shape evolving rules as well as business and consumer
8th Annual Advanced Networks
November 18-20, 2002, Hotel Wyndham Montréal Quebec
The new, exciting third wave is the integration of applications
and high speed networks into a new paradigm often referred to as
"Web Services" or the "Semantic Web".
Demand for Broadband
( Annual Conference October 6 - 9, 2002 ) Des Moines, Iowa
While rural places in the U.S. continue to make gains in
bridging the digital divide, many are still unserved or
underserved by high speed telecommunications. Some areas that have
made gains in achieving access to high speed, continue to struggle
with populations who are not 'technology savvy' and are therefore
not taking full advantage of the power of the world wide web to
create wealth while allowing them to enjoy the benefits of living
in a rural setting.
III Global Summit on Community Networking in the Digital Era
Montreal (Québec) Canada, 7 - 13 October 2002
If it is possible to speak of a true information society today, it
is because the last ten years have witnessed the growth of
thousands of diverse initiatives for grassroots use of the
Internet and other communication technologies. Community networks
take different forms and names depending on the economic or
sociocultural context in which they evolve: "community networks,"
"freenets," "community learning networks," "community technology
centers," "community health centres," "telecenters," "smart
communities," "digital cities." They reflect the will, creativity
and capacity of citizens acting at every level, local to
international, to take their rightful place in the evolving
information society and support socioeconomic development leading
to sustainable communities.
Municipal & Community-Owned & Operated Broadband
( August 27-28, 2001 ) San Francisco, California
Strategies for Community and Municipal Government to deliver
High-speed Broadband communications and Community Networking
services to residential and business constituents.
2000 Conference:
Calgary, Alberta ( October 23 2000 )
Home Conferences
To date, we have held five Broadband Home Conferences. They have
drewn more than 600 attendees from more than 25 countries around
the world, spanning all sectors of the industry
Annual BCNET Advanced Networks Conference: "Expanding Optical
Networks in BC"
( March 27, 2001 )